Source code for expelliarmus.wizard.wizard

import pathlib
import shutil
from ctypes import Structure, c_size_t
from typing import Optional, Union

from numpy import dtype as np_dtype
from numpy import ndarray

from expelliarmus.utils import (
from expelliarmus.wizard.clib import c_cargos_t, events_cargo_t
from expelliarmus.wizard.wizard_wrapper import (

[docs]class Wizard: """ Wizard allows to cast powerful spells, such as reading entire files to NumPy arrays or chunks of these, or cutting binary files to a certain duration. :param encoding: the encoding of the file, to be chosen among DAT, EVT2 and EVT3. :param fpath: the file to be read, either in chunks or fully. :param buff_size: the size of the buffer used to read the binary file. :param chunk_size: the chunk lenght when reading files in chunks. :param time_window: the time window length in microseconds when reading files in time chunks. """ def __init__( self, encoding: str, fpath: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, chunk_size: Optional[int] = 8192, time_window: Optional[int] = 10, buff_size: Optional[int] = _DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE, ) -> None: self._encoding = check_encoding(encoding) self.cargo = self._get_cargo() self.set_buff_size(buff_size) if fpath: self.set_file(fpath) else: self._fpath = None self.set_chunk_size(chunk_size) self.set_time_window(time_window) return @property
[docs] def encoding(self) -> str: """ The encoding of the files handles by Wizard. :returns: the encoding. """ return self._encoding
[docs] def fpath(self) -> pathlib.Path: """ Wizard input file path. :returns: the file path. """ return self._fpath
[docs] def buff_size(self) -> int: """ The buffer size used by Wizard to read the binary files. :returns: the buffer size. """ return self._buff_size
[docs] def chunk_size(self) -> int: """ The length of each chunk provided by Wizard when reading files in chunks. :returns: the chunk size. """ return self._chunk_size
[docs] def time_window(self) -> int: """ The time window lenght, expressed in microseconds. :returns: the time window length. """ return self._time_window
@encoding.setter def encoding(self, value): raise AttributeError("ERROR: Denied setting of private attribute encoding.") @fpath.setter def fpath(self, value): raise AttributeError("ERROR: Denied setting of private attribute fpath.") @buff_size.setter def buff_size(self, value): raise AttributeError("ERROR: Denied setting of private attribute buff_size.") @chunk_size.setter def chunk_size(self, value): raise AttributeError("ERROR: Denied setting of private attribute chunk_size.") @time_window.setter def time_window(self, value): raise AttributeError("ERROR: Denied setting of private attribute time_window.") def _get_cargo(self) -> object: return c_cargos_t[self.encoding](events_info=events_cargo_t())
[docs] def set_file(self, fpath: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> None: """ Function that sets the input file. :param fpath: the path to the file. """ self._fpath = check_input_file(fpath, encoding=self.encoding) self.reset() return
[docs] def set_chunk_size(self, chunk_size: int, do_reset: bool = True) -> None: """ Function to sets the size of the chunks to be read. WARNING: due to the vectorized events in event files, the chunks can be longer that 'chunk_size' (at most 'chunk_size+12'). :param fpath: path to the input file. :param chunk_size: size of the chunks ot be read. :param do_reset: whether or not to reset the wizard after setting the chunk size. """ self._chunk_size = check_chunk_size(chunk_size, self.encoding) if do_reset: self.reset() return
[docs] def set_encoding(self, encoding: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> None: """ Sets the encoding proprierty of the class. :param encoding: the encoding of the file. """ self._encoding = check_encoding(encoding) self.reset() return
[docs] def set_buff_size(self, buff_size: int) -> None: """ Sets te buffer size used to read the binary file. :param buff_size: the buffer size specified. """ self._buff_size = check_buff_size(buff_size) self.reset() return
[docs] def set_time_window(self, time_window: int, do_reset: bool = True) -> None: """ Sets the time window length. :param time_window: the time window specified [us]. :param do_reset: whether or not to reset the wizard after setting the time window. """ self._time_window = check_time_window(time_window) if do_reset: self.reset() return
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ Function used to reset the generator, so that the file can be read from the beginning. """ if self.cargo: del self.cargo self.cargo = self._get_cargo() return
[docs] def cut( self, fpath_out: Union[str, pathlib.Path], new_duration: int, fpath_in: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, ) -> int: """ Cuts the duration of the recording contained in 'fpath_in' to 'new_duration' and saves the result to 'fpath_out'. :param fpath_in: path to input file. :param fpath_out: path to output file. :param new_duration: the desired duration, expressed in microseconds. :returns: the number of events encoded in the output file. """ fpath_in = check_external_file(fpath_in, self.fpath, self.encoding) fpath_out = check_output_file(fpath=fpath_out, encoding=self.encoding) new_duration = check_new_duration(new_duration) nevents = c_cut_wrapper( encoding=self.encoding, fpath_in=fpath_in, fpath_out=fpath_out, new_duration=new_duration, buff_size=self.buff_size, ) return nevents
[docs] def read(self, fpath: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None) -> ndarray: """ Reads a binary file to a structured NumPy of events. :param fpath: path to the input file. :returns: the structured NumPy array. """ fpath = check_external_file(fpath, self.fpath, self.encoding) arr, status = c_read_wrapper( encoding=self.encoding, fpath=fpath, buff_size=self.buff_size, ) if status != 0: raise RuntimeError( "ERROR: Something went wrong while creating the array from the file." ) return arr
[docs] def save( self, fpath: Union[str, pathlib.Path], arr: ndarray, ) -> None: """ Compresses the provided to the chosen encoding format. :param fpath: path to output file. :param arr: the NumPy array to be saved. :returns: the number of events encoded in the output file. """ fpath = check_output_file(fpath=fpath, encoding=self.encoding) if not isinstance(arr, ndarray): raise TypeError("ERROR: A NumPy array must be provided.") if set(arr.dtype.names) != set(("t", "x", "y", "p")): raise TypeError( "ERROR: The structured NumPy array provided has not a ('t', 'x', 'y', 'p') structure." ) if arr.size == 0: raise ValueError("ERROR: The NumPy array provided is empty.") status = c_save_wrapper( encoding=self.encoding, fpath=fpath, arr=arr, buff_size=self.buff_size, ) if status != 0: raise RuntimeError("ERROR: Something went wrong while saving the array.") return
[docs] def read_chunk(self) -> ndarray: """ Generator used to read the file in chunks. :returns: structured NumPy array of events. """ if self.fpath is None: raise ValueError("ERROR: An input file must be set.") self.cargo.events_info.is_chunk = 1 self.cargo.events_info.is_time_window = 0 while self.cargo.events_info.finished == 0: self.cargo.events_info.dim = self.chunk_size arr, self.cargo, status = c_read_chunk_wrapper( encoding=self.encoding, fpath=self.fpath, cargo=self.cargo, buff_size=self.buff_size, ) if arr is None or status != 0: break yield arr
[docs] def read_time_window(self) -> ndarray: """ Generator used to read the file in time windows. :returns: structured NumPy array of events. """ if self.fpath is None: raise ValueError("ERROR: An input file must be set.") self.cargo.events_info.is_chunk = 0 self.cargo.events_info.is_time_window = 1 self.cargo.events_info.time_window = self.time_window while self.cargo.events_info.finished == 0: arr, self.cargo, status = c_read_time_window_wrapper( encoding=self.encoding, fpath=self.fpath, cargo=self.cargo, buff_size=self.buff_size, ) if arr is None or status != 0: break yield arr