Getting started
Getting started#
is a library that allows to decode binary files generated by Prophesee cameras to NumPy structured arrays.
The expelliarmus
API contains a single class called Wizard
, that contains many methods to read a file all at once, in chunks of chunk_size
events or in time windows of time_window
milliseconds. There are also additional methods to save structured NumPy arrays to different Prophesee encoding formats.
Read a file#
Let us download this file from the Prophesee website.
from pathlib import Path
import requests
prophesee_url = ""
fpath = Path("./pedestrians.raw")
# Downloading the file if it is not available.
if not fpath.is_file():
print("Downloading the file...", end=" ")
open(fpath, 'wb').write(requests.get(prophesee_url).content)
print("File already available.")
Downloading the file... done!
The file that we downloaded is an EVT3 one; hence, we need to create a Wizard
object choosing an "evt3"
from expelliarmus import Wizard
wizard = Wizard(encoding="evt3")
The file to be read can be specified in three ways:
passing the
argument to theWizard
constructor at object creation time.using the
method.passing the file path to the
Let us use the second way.
Now we can use the read()
method to read the binary file to a NumPy structured array.
arr =
print(f"First event encoded as (t, x, y, p): {arr[0]}")
print(f"Number of events: {len(arr)}.")
print(f"Recording duration: {(arr[-1]['t']-arr[0]['t'])//int(1e6)} s.")
First event encoded as (t, x, y, p): (5840504, 707, 297, 0)
Number of events: 39297796.
Recording duration: 60 s.
Reading in chunks#
The file could be too large to be read all at once in an array; for this reason, expelliarmus
provides two generator methods: read_chunk()
and read_time_window()
, to read a file in chunks of a chunk_size
events or in time windows of time_window
milliseconds, respectively. Let us start from the first method.
chunk_size = 8192
# Calling the generator once:
chunk = next(wizard.read_chunk())
print(f"Chunk length: {len(chunk)}.")
print(f"Chunk duration: {(chunk[-1]['t']-chunk[0]['t'])/1e3:.2f} ms.")
print(f"Chunk first event: {chunk[0]}.")
Chunk length: 8192.
Chunk duration: 154.27 ms.
Chunk first event: (5840504, 707, 297, 0).
Let us read a chunk of at most time_window
milliseconds duration from the file:
time_window = 5
# Calling the generator once.
chunk = next(wizard.read_time_window())
print(f"Chunk length: {len(chunk)}.")
print(f"Chunk duration: {(chunk[-1]['t']-chunk[0]['t'])/(1e3):.2f} ms.")
print(f"Chunk first event: {chunk[0]}.")
Chunk length: 47.
Chunk duration: 4.50 ms.
Chunk first event: (5840504, 707, 297, 0).
Conversion among file formats#
Suppose that you have a really large file encoded in DAT, like this one. You might want to convert it to EVT2 to save disk space and have better read performance. expelliarmus
allows you to do that. Let us download the file first.
prophesee_url = ""
fpath = Path("./spinner.dat")
# Downloading the file if it is not available.
if not fpath.is_file():
print("Downloading the file...", end=" ")
open(fpath, 'wb').write(requests.get(prophesee_url).content)
print("File already available.")
Downloading the file... done!
First we change wizard
encoding and, then, we read the DAT file to an array.
arr =
print(f"First event encoded as (t, x, y, p): {arr[0]}")
print(f"Number of events: {len(arr)}.")
print(f"Recording duration: {(arr[-1]['t']-arr[0]['t'])/1e6:.2f} s.")
First event encoded as (t, x, y, p): (0, 237, 121, 1)
Number of events: 54165303.
Recording duration: 5.00 s.
Now we define a second Wizard
object with EVT2 encoding and we use its save()
method to convert the file from DAT to EVT2.
import numpy as np
wizard_evt2 = Wizard(encoding="evt2")
new_fpath = Path("./spinner_evt2.raw"), arr=arr)
Let us check that the files are consistent.
new_arr =
print(f"Durations: DAT = {(arr[-1]['t']-arr[0]['t'])/1e6:.2f} s, \
EVT2 = {(new_arr[-1]['t']-new_arr[0]['t'])/1e6:.2f} s.")
are_equal = True
for coord in ('t', 'x', 'y', 'p'):
are_equal = are_equal and np.equal(arr[coord], new_arr[coord]).all()
print(f"The two arrays are {'not' if (not are_equal) else ''}identical.")
Durations: DAT = 5.00 s, EVT2 = 5.00 s.
The two arrays are identical.
There are other methods available in the API. Check it out!